How to Introduce Cats

If a new cat is introduced with other cats to a house, it may take some time for them to get used to each other. If your first cat is a little jealous of the new cat, you may have to take things slowly. Give your new cat plenty of time to get used to the routines of your new home and the people who live in it, and let the scent of your new cat become part of your room. If your pet cat becomes aggressive when it sees other cats in your house, you may have difficulty introducing a new cat to your home.

Keep the new cat in its room until your two cats meet at the door. Then, you can break the door, gate or barrier during the meal or at the end of the session to feed the cats in the side of the room they are staying in. Keep the new cats for about a week in a separate room so that the existing cats can get used to their smell and presence and that the new cats have time to adapt to their new environment.

How To Introduce Two New Cats To Each Other

With a cat and a person on either side of the door, you start the introduction by placing the cats a few meters away from the screen and gate. If they have signs, you can use two toy cords for each of the cats to play on the sides of the gate.

A potential next step is to use a high baby gate or glass door to let the cats meet for the first time at eye level. Allow them to see each other while maintaining a physical barrier, such as stacking a baby gate over a door to open it an inch or two, using a door stopper to keep it open, or placing a screen over the door. Before you start the introduction process, before you bring the cats into the house, let them get used to the smells of the other.

For this reason, it is best to separate your cat before bringing it home from your new cat so that you can control its first meeting. If you use a large pen, you can give pet-free access at any time, but kittens should only stay in an enclosure for a few days before they get used to each other. If there is more than one domestic cat, there will be visual contact between the two cats (one domestic cat each), and as the new cat progresses, there will be more cats around them than new cats.

Set up a room for your new cat at the pet’s favourite place. Limit the first week of access for your new cats to a safe, quiet, carpet-free room with privacy screens and windows for supervised play.

One for a comfortable sleeping area and one for a hiding place, such as your new cat litter tray, box, tent, bed, cat litter tray, water bowl, or food tray. Make sure there is a quiet room in your house (such as a bedroom or bathroom) where you keep the pet cat away from the cat for a few days and a space for the pet cat so that she has access to human family member’s social interaction and playtime. Make sure the area is occupied with food, water, litter, toys and a soft bed.

When the new cat is calm, put the cat bowl on the opposite side of the doorway to the new cat room and move it there to feed it later. If you keep your new cat with the door closed in the safe room, you will have your first cat on the other side with its food bowl. Feed them so that both cats’ scents are present in a food bowl so that they can get used to each other without pressure.

You can also encourage the pet cat to come through the baby gate and use treats and games to speed up the introduction to determine which cat will go first.

One method is to replace the door with a makeshift lattice door so that both cats can see each other. It is also a good idea to have a diffuser for the new cat in the house room where the pet cat is staying.

In addition to incorporating synthetic pigface pheromones such as Feliway, the classic New Cat Room is also the area where the cat spends most of its time, helping to create a sense of familiarity and security in the physical environment. If two cats are used to the smell of the other, it may be that your first cat feels a little uncomfortable when your new cat is in its territory. Your new cat can sniff her sibling’s gaze unnoticed, and when you swap the bed, both cats will get to know the odd scent.

If a cat refuses to eat when you feed it, place a dish of tuna or other tasty snacks on the side near the door. Have your new cat examined one room at a time in the Mayor’s Cat Area. If a cat shows undesirable signs or smells each other, has the bedding rubbed in as an additional step in the environment, or if the pet cat is locked up (for example, in the owner’s bedroom at night), have the new cat inspect the cat area of the house.

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Catnip & Cats

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